
Daily Worship
& Growth App

An app that helps you live an authentic Christian life. A life walked in the footsteps of Jesus.

Video thumbnail with the title How to use the Imitatio app to cultivate a Christlike character and deepen your Christian faith.

Download Follow Christ Daily

Video thumbnail with the title How to use the Imitatio app to cultivate a Christlike character and deepen your Christian faith.

Grow in Grace, Live in Faith - Follow Christ Daily

Step into a deeper and more fulfilling faith
journey with our daily worship & growth app.

With curated daily devotions, resources to cultivate the great Christian virtues, and tools to live a life of authenticity and purpose, Follow Christ Daily is the perfect app for anyone seeking to grow in their faith and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Designed for Christians of All Denominations

Empower Your Faith Journey

Follow Christ Daily offers a comprehensive and inclusive approach that will help you embark on a personal journey of faith and follow in Jesus’ footsteps.

  • Designed for Christians of all denominations.
  • Study the life and teachings of Jesus with engaging devotionals.
  • Learn how He models Christian character.
  • Embrace a life of purpose following Christ.
Screenshot of Imitatio app inviting users to walk with Jesus and grow their Christian faith.
Screenshot of Imitatio app showing daily devotions to connect with God daily, devotionals, and Christian prayer.

Connect with God Daily

Stay inspired and connected to God every day with the app’s Morning and Evening Devotions.

  • Immerse in God’s word with curated Bible passages and daily devotionals.
  • Find comfort and guidance with hand-picked prayers.
  • Deepen your faith through guided reflection.
  • Start and end each day in peace and joy in the Lord.

Grow Your Christian Character

Grow in your faith and strengthen your Christian character with personalized virtue selection and character-building strategies.

  • Choose the virtues you want to focus on and improve.
  • Stay motivated with Follow Christ Daily’s personal virtue tracker.
  • Reflect on your virtue journey with the Daily Review.
  • Cultivate Christian character through daily practice and intentional living.
Screenshot of Imitatio app showing functionality to grow Christian character and select focus virtues to cultivate in daily life.
Screenshot of Imitatio app showing virtue builder that allows user to transform daily routines and cultivate a Christ-like character.

Transform Your Daily Life

Deepen your understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and learn how He teaches authentic Christian living.

  • Study the life and teachings of Jesus.
  • Learn the path to authentic Christian living.
  • Cultivate a Christ-like character.
  • Transform your daily routine with tips and strategies.

Enhance Your Spiritual Practice

Follow Christ Daily empowers your spiritual practice, reflection, and growth with comprehensive tools and resources.

  • Fuel your faith with comprehensive spiritual resources.
  • Enhance your reflection with daily journaling and evening reviews.
  • Document your journey of faith.
  • Record God’s presence and blessings in your life.
Screenshot of Imitatio app showing Journey of Faith and functionality to enhance spiritual practice with journaling opportunities.

Follow Christ Daily User Experiences

From Struggles to Triumphs

Stories of Growth and Renewal

I’ve struggled with journaling in the past, but Follow Christ’s morning and evening journal prompts make it so much easier. Remembering God’s presence in my life and reflecting on my challenges and struggles has helped me grow as a Christian.

John R.

The Daily Review has helped me tremendously! Before using Follow Christ Daily, I struggled to find time for self-reflection and now it’s an integral part of my daily routine. I love being able to reflect on my faith journey over time.

Evan M.

Follow Christ Daily’s evening devotions have become a cherished part of my bedtime routine. Love ending my day with the peace and calm of the Lord!

Sara G.

The Follow Christ Daily app is like having a personal spiritual mentor in my pocket! The devotionals on the virtues have deepened my understanding of the teachings of Jesus and helped me to apply them in my everyday life.

Martha N.

I love Follow Christ Daily’s personal virtue tracker! It has helped me stay motivated and on track with my intention to live out my faith in Jesus. I’ve been able to strengthen my Christian character with intentional practice.

Lisa W.

Try for free today!

Screenshot of app showing Journey of Faith and functionality to enhance spiritual practice with journaling opportunities.